Radio AamarABC Radio FM 89.2Ajob RadioAktara BanglaRadio AponAsian Radio 90.8 FMBangladesh BetarBangladesh Online RadioBangla News 24Bangla Radio 24Bangla Radio 95.2Bangla WadioBBC BanglaBdvdo RadioRadio BestwayBhoot FMRadio BijoyRadio CircleColours 101.6Dhaka FM 90.4Radio Dream 24eDoctor RadioEtune24FMmoonFnF.FM BanglaRadio Foorti 88.0Gaan BakshoRadio GoonGooonHello DhakaHL-RADIO-BDHoiChoi WadioIslamic Radio BanglaJago FM 94.4Jessore 24Radio KolaholRadio Lemon24Radio Love BanglaRadio MainamatiMy Bangla GaanMy Bangla RadioRadio OnubhutiPeoples Radio 91.6Radio 2FunRadio AjkalRadio AbirvabRadio AgunRadio AmaderRadio AmberRadio BD24Radio Bhumi 92.8Radio BihongoRadio BornilRadio BornoRadio BornomalaRadio Boss 24Radio Capital FM 94.8Radio ChomokRadio ChowaRadio DakRadio Deshi FMRadio DhakaRadio Dhoni 91.2Radio DontmindRadio DoorbinRadio DreamzRadio Ekattor 98.4Radio GoonjonRadio HashiRadio High 92.7Radio JhalmuriRadio Jhenuk 99.2Radio KothaRadio MrittikaRadio MunnaRadio Next 93.2Radio NreeRadio Pabna 92.1Radio Padma 99.2Radio ProjuktiRadio ProvatiRadio Sarabela 98.8Radio Shadhin 92.4Radio Shadhin DeshRadio ShongiRadio SMJRadio SwadhinotaRadio TolparRadio TwistRadio Twist 24Radio UllashRadio UthsobRadio VashaRadio Voice 24Radio VubonRadio RongSpice FM BDRadio SwadeshRadio Today FM 89.6Washington Bangla RadioHemel Music RadioRadio Bangla RockRadio CarnivalRadio KaratoaRadio Mahananda 98.8
The journey of Dhaka FM 90.4 began back in 2009 when in search for good entertainment content services the idea for Radio came in mine. It was Pohela Boishakh 2009 when the first live Internet Radio was launched. Dhaka FM 90.4 were the first to setup a full studio with RJs to run a radio station on internet. They run 20 hrs live programs catering to our listeners all across the world. Unlike FM stations which has a fixed demography , Internet radio with global reach intrigued their creativity to innovate programs that touched upon all their listeners.
It was with this fascinating experience that they (actually) thought of launching FM radio station. In December 2010 they were the first to be awarded with private FM radio station license amongst the 2nd phase FM license awarded by the Government. And this is how the journey of Dhaka FM begins.
To meet the entertainment and information need of the listeners by promoting local culture, music and happenings. To communicate with shooting, simple and friendly Bengali words along with humorous presentation. For more details visit:
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